
GE 2011 Aftermath

Monday, May 9, 2011 0 comments
This was a sensational weekend. With GE 2011 coming to an end, all rallies and political lobbying would not be allowed in public places without first obtaining a permit and without a cause.

In this GE, we see the rise of a new political landscape which could bring forward many new evolutions. Gone were the days that people are living in "fear", nor are they ignorant. Though I foreseen this day, I have still saddened by the facts.

The loss of Aljunied GRC with a political leader, a liberal Foreign Minister. The team were average. The Opposition team has brought in new blood and rise the "voices" of the residents. What really sadden me is: whether people vote just because they want to see the changes, or are they "slated" by the Opposition or they are really aware of the current situation facing by the Nation?

Cost of living is increasing, do we want to remain stagnant for the sake of people who can't catch up with the pace?

I, for one, dare not to answer as I believe in self-achieving. But I'm still concerned after my forties, what will happen if I do not have enough for retirement or no job?

Am I still going with the crowd or apathetic towards National policies? Or are Singaporean remaining in their "comfort zone" as neighboring nations turn over and "eat" us from within, and external forces crushing on us?

Emotional Attachment In Election

Friday, May 6, 2011 0 comments
Coming this 7th May, General Election 2011 is a great day where our Nation, Singapore may undergo political changes.

With the media proliferation, politicians and lobbyists have moved onto the online platform to call upon human self-gratification. This year, I feel the emotional element setting in.

"Who won, who lose; we are all history sinners" - a quote from a local writer. "谁输谁赢,我们都是历史的罪人"

Through media channels, we are able to communicate in a much "faster and efficient" way. Facebook has many "Likes". Through the tools available, key players have tried to engage communities. But perspective wise, it is still to the basics. We are looking at issues which are not easily comparable - "Relativity and Immediate Gratification".


Marketing basics have taught us relative and cognitive. Hopefully, this clip serves its purpose and its useful applications in many scenarios. This clip was done by Jeff Monday. He uses dots to make complex ideas easy to understand and apply to your life.

Cloud Computing - The Next BIG Thing

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 0 comments
We heard about “Cloud” but have you heard of “Cloud Computing”. For the non-savvy, basically it means virtual servers available over the Internet.

Cloud computing services are provided either by subscription-based or pay-per-use, in real time over the Internet.

But "How does it work for you?"

Imagine being an executive of a company, with the responsibilities to ensure all your employees have the right hardware and software for their jobs. Typical company setting would be one computer to one head count. However, software licenses may not, due to costing. Therefore, you may have to be selective in your purchase decision.

Instead of installing a suite of software on each computer, you can make use of Cloud Computing service. All you have to do, is to run a cloud computing system's interface software. This application allows employees to log into an Internet-based service which hosts all the programs a user need for his job. A simple cloud computing system's interface software is a Web browser.

Remote machines owned by the service provider would run everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs.

Think Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail; perhaps you may already have some hand-on experience with cloud computing after all. Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you are logging onto a Web email account “remotely”. The software and storage for your account doesn't exist on your computer - it's on the service provider's "computer cloud".

Think Now: Cloud computing may be revolutionized the technology era in next few years.
